Tag Archives: Dowdy

‘Everyone Says I Love You’


I’ve been on a Movie Marathon phase of sorts,catching up on classics and box-office hits varying from the 50’s to the 90’s that I missed out on due to ignorance,my teenage ideas of fun and later due to lack of time.I was very aware of the work of Woody Allen as a director,even as a kid.Just that probably I had to reach the stage in life where I could truly appreciate the work of a genius.My first Woody Allen movie was Everyone Says I Love You (1996) when I was in my late teens,perfect timing I would say!

Ok back to present times,I was watching Annie Hall(1977) the other day and there is this scene where he meets Diane Keaton for the first time at this tennis club.So Woody Allen changes into this White Shirt,a White high waist trouser with a tan belt and I’m there thinking to myself,we missed out on this guy.I’m a sucker for White! (For your information Diane Keaton walked away with the ‘New Fashionista’ title of the that time with this movie.)

Now many of our so called Fashion Police out there would term Woody Allen as what they love to call ‘Dowdy’.Not many girls would drool at the prospect of a guy with ‘Poindexter’ glasses,shirts you’d see your mom’s uncle wear and waist high trousers.The difference is this guy brought an intellect quotient to it,that did somehow make it sexy.Sexy???Yeah you heard me right.Even in his bedroom scenes with his various leading ladies you see him with the same jersey cotton t-shirt and cotton pajamas. It’s  like you got the hysterical genius and the boy-next door lying next to you in bed.He never made an attempt to look different,like with a hair cut,a stubble or sport a black turtle neck to make him look like a character that dined at SOHO,an essential to depict New York.I think Woody Allen and Albert Einstein would figure on the same paradigm in terms of self image,if you get what I’m saying!

He just did it with t-shirts,normal shirts that looks like its off that rack from Mark & Spencer’s (to be more closer to home in terms of reference),the plaid blazers and yes of course the trousers.There is something about the guy that got him all those marriages and relationships.What I’m trying to say here,is that it wasn’t about designer labels,somewhere the man created style that you could relate to.Now I know some people who would rave about Woody Allen in the film world,but the moment they see someone with the same dress sense out on the streets,the fingers and sneers come out.


It’s funny how people get labeled with the ‘Geek’ tag and today you’ve got girls swooning over ‘Artie’ from the ‘Glee’ series who totally rocks the look.You also have all the boys pulling out T-Shirts with Einstein all over it and yeah they even rocking those chunky ‘Poindexter’ glasses.So is it hypocritical?

I mean I could go on about this and probably if I get some of friends over, it would be colorful debate where images would be pulled out with before-after stories,but at the end it’s not discouraging a person’s sense of style.I would say its all about labeling yourself with your own label…wow I just coined something here!!

Cheers ‘Geeks’!!!

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